Journaling can be a powerful tool toward healing.
A person’s cancer journey can be a time of deep reflection, a time for peacemaking and a time to express fears, hopes, and dreams. Often by merely writing about feelings, a person can attain a sense of perspective and inner peace. For this reason, patients are encouraged to explore journaling during their cancer treatment and beyond.
Journaling is a very private experience where you are safe to write about whatever you are feeling. There are no rules other than you shouldn’t worry about the rules of formal writing. “Proper” spelling, punctuation and grammar should not be the focus of your writing. Think of journaling as sharing your feelings with your dearest friend who will never judge you and never think less of you regardless of what you write.
You may organize your journal any way that is comfortable for you. Some people write daily – others only when they feel the need to express themselves. Some journalists divide their journal into sections that range from Feelings to Family Memories to My Favorite Things to Sources of Inspiration and so on. Thus, the journal becomes a resource for empowerment and inspiration as well as therapeutic. Whatever works best for you is what you should do.
Journaling can be a powerful tool toward healing. We hope you will try it.